My darling boo boo how can I make you stop growing?? I no longer have a little baby - you are such a little boy. You don't NEED me as much as you use to and it breaks my heart. You love to go with daddy or JoJo & Pops and quickly kiss me and tell me with such enthusiasm - "BYE BYE." Ugh, what happened to the days when nobody would do but mommy? You are learning so fast - your new favorite things are book & puzzles - you want to read the same 5 books over and over, and mommy will keep reading them to you! You have successfully completed the same puzzles 1 million times and you still love it and clap your hands so big when you finish. You LOVE the mud - thanks to daddy! I hope the neighbors don't think we beat you after the fit you threw when I went to get you out of the mud. You have the sweetest voice & I love the way words come out of your mouth - you decided to change Buddy's name this month and so he is now Bu Bu instead of Buddy - he doesn't mind a bit! I can already tell you are going to be a little handy man just like daddy - you love to "build" things in your fire house and work for hours on putting things together. You get so excited when you get one of daddy's real tools in your hands, but that excitement doesn't last long because daddy doesn't think that's such a good idea! You are constantly putting your hands down your diaper. I have to keep pants on you because you will put your hands down your diaper and eventually rip the diaper completely off. I went in to get you out of your crib one morning last week and you were covered in poo poo!! You had been playing with your hands down your diaper - YUCK!! I hope that's the last time I have to experience that! You are truly GROWING before our eyes. You weigh 28 pounds! No wonder my back aches at the end of the day! You still love your bath - and you know right when it's over that it's time to brush your teeth, then put on PJ's, then drink your milk, then go night night. You LOVE your little routine! Naptime has been disrupted with the construction going on at our house this month and you are not happy about it! The days you have gotten your full nap you have slept from 3-4 hours to make up for lost sleep, and one night you were so sleepy you took my hand and led me to your room and wanted me to put you in your bed. You are just like your mommy & daddy - you need your sleep!! Every night I pray for you and thank God for your little life - for such a little person you sure do bring SO MUCH joy to our life. WE LOVE YOU!!
bathroom soap dispenser
4 years ago
ginny ray - you are such a mother!! i hope these postings of yours are read by Warner. you paint a beautiful picture. you learned a lot from your mother. i love you, BuBu
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