It has been an eventful week here at the Lively house. As I mentioned on a previous post, last Wednesday Warner had a high fever. Thursday no fever, Friday morning no the weather was so nice we headed outside before lunch and nap time. He rode his tricycle all the way down the street and back, we played on the swing set, played golf...he had the best time! I went to put him down for his nap and about 15-20 minutes into the nap he starts crying. He never does this! I went in, got him settled back down, and he went back to sleep. This happened about 3 or 4 more time, so I finally just got him out of the bed and put him on the couch to watch a movie. About an hour later he was up playing. That night the same thing happened. He would go to sleep only to wake up every 15 minutes crying. WELL, if your child has ever had an ear infection you just kinda know what is going on. They are fine until they lay down and there is just so much pressure in their little ears and it is so painful. So, what do you do on a Friday night when you finally realize that maybe he really might be sick?? Rachel, my nurse practitioner friend to the rescue. I called her Friday night and she was going to come over first thing Saturday and look in his ears. By Saturday morning I knew he definitely had an ear infection because (this is gross) there is fluid pouring from his right ear!! YUCK!! I also start feeling horrible on Saturday morning - my throat is raw, head is pounding, I can barely hold my head up! I called Chris who is out on the farm trying to get some work done and tell him I think he needs to come home. I got in the bed Saturday morning and did not get out until Tuesday morning!! I haven't felt that bad in a very long time!! Chris took such good care of us. He cooked, cleaned, took Warner to the doctor, gave us our medicine. He was great!! Thank you honey!!!
I am finally feeling good and Warner's ears are healing - he's on antibiotics and ear drops. We go back next week to see if they are all cleared up. I really thought ear infections were behind us. He had tubes put in almost 2 years ago and hadn't had an ear infection since until now - crazy!
Hope that explains the lack of posting...hopefully I'll be back soon with some pictures.
glad yall are both feeling better but hurry up with the pictures, just not any of warners ear please...
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