Tuesday, July 13, 2010

our trip to Dallas

We just returned from a great trip to Texas to visit the grandparents! The airplane ride was a little more stressful this time with a 10 month old active little boy sitting in my lap! He did not want to sit still - pulling up on the seat in front of me, trying to pull hair, screaming out loud for no reason at all, trying to get out of my lap in any way possible. It does help that I can put him in the seat with Warner part of the time. He was a handful!!
We had a great visit with my parents - ate WAY TOO MUCH, had fun at the park and splash pad near their house, played hard, and even made a trip to the Children's Museum. Warner started running fever a couple of days after we arrived - got up to 103 one night. Long story, short, he had hand, foot and mouth disease!! He was pretty miserable, but we didn't let it slow us down...


Audra Laney said...

I totally admire you for taking 2 kids on a plane. Just the thought of that scares me to death! A brave mama for sure!

Laurin said...

Did anyone throw a toy across the plane and hit a sleeping man in the head?! Oh... so your kids are well behaved then! :) I love the pictures. Jackson knows what is good already (zing zang). They are getting so big so fast.