Warner is 22 months old today! Birthday party number 2 is in the works - invitations are ordered, plans are being finalized. It feels like just yesterday I was planning his first birthday party. Warner's vocabulary has really grown this last month. He amazes me sometimes by the things that come out of his mouth! He loves to label everything in our house- dada's keys, mama's car, dada's gum... Kissy left something in her room last time she visited and every time he sees it he says, "Kissy's". He still has a long way to go with his vocabulary - the amazing thing is he knows all kinds of words, but just refuses to use them - I asked him last week, "why don't you talk?" He looked right at me and said. "NO!" One of the funniest things he is doing right now is "singing" his ABC's - of course he doesn't know the whole alphabet, it's more like he's humming it, but it is the cutest thing. He loves to color, but would rather eat the crayons than color with them - ugh! This drives me crazy! He still refuses to eat anything but fruit, chicken, cheese, snacks, and really just junk! He will eat what he wants and then start protesting "out, out" - to get out of his highchair. It has now turned in to "out pease". He has 3 or 4 tractors and that is the only thing he plays with all day - tractors & trucks. This makes daddy very happy!! Maybe he will grow to love farming the way his daddy does. He has done a 360 with his by by (paci) - he wants it ALL the time!! I have been a bad mommy and I just let him have it. It makes him so happy!! I guess we will have to cross that bridge at some point! Warner is such a loving little boy - gives the best hugs and kisses and just loves to cuddle up to you and snuggle, but he has his moments...terrible two's are here and I'm sure here to stay! Warner's favorite thing to do is put on his frog boots and go outside - he could live outside! He loves to run around, pick up sticks, throw rocks in the ditches, and ride the golf cart, oh & look for airplanes - we have lots of crop dusters flying this time of year in the Delta, so he is constantly looking up for airplanes. Even when days don't go the way I had planned, or I'm up all night with a sick little boy (103 fever Saturday night) - I am so blessed to be Warner's mommy & I'm so thankful that God chose me. What an amazing little boy that God made!!!
bathroom soap dispenser
4 years ago
I was interested to read your blog. As a parent you may be interested in being part of a university study I'm involved with. It’s about how infants and children develop. It wouldn’t take much of your time, and it’s a great way to contribute to knowledge by reporting on your own experiences. For more details go to the following address after copying it into your browser window, www.babysleepstudy.org or go to www.milestonesresearch.org and click on "Baby Sleep." Best wishes, Rebecca
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