This baby boy has been a handfull the past 2 weeks!! I had him on such a great schedule...and then we went to Disney World. Atleast I think that's what happened! Since we have been home Jackson has decided that he wants to wake up every 2 hours or less and just let us know he's here. I have tried everything!! One thing that I kept reading over and over was to start an earlier bed time to prevent night wakings...put him to bed at 6:00 a couple of nights and that did nothing. Afer a week of all this I finally got smart and decided it was time to let him cry it out. So we said bye bye to the swaddle (that way he can atleast move around a little bit) and I put him in bed last night and left the room. It was rough and I know it's going to be, but hopefully I'm doing the right thing - it worked with Warner.
bathroom soap dispenser
4 years ago
I had to do the same thing for Chesley and she cried 1 hour 45 minutes the first night (horrific), 15 minutes the second, 10 minutes the third, and then she was done. It was a sad day when we said bye bye to the swaddler in our house too! I was convinced she would never sleep well again but she did, thankfully! Good luck-he'll catch on!
I really need to hold this hunk of love
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