Sunday, February 17, 2008


Our little boo boo is 21 months old today. Just 3 short months and we will have a 2 year old. YIKES!!!

In honor of his 21 months of life, here are 21 fun facts about this little boy we love oh so much.

  1. He calls our names even when we're in the same room - kinda like he's calling roll to make sure we're all there and paying attention to him!
  2. He loves to identify things around the room, point to them, & tell us what they are - such as Elmo, juice, cars, trucks, tick tocks (clocks), hats, ducks, phones, etc.
  3. He loves his dump truck & will fill it with toys and push it around the house.
  4. He just started watching cartoons in the mornings - his favorites are Handy Manny, Elmo, Dooddlebops, Barney, & Little Ensteins.
  5. He has flown more times than most adults I know, but it gets a little harder on me every time - with him being more active & wanting to touch everything in site, including the people sitting in front of us!
  6. He loves to put his face in ours and give eskimo kisses.
  7. He loves to snuggle when he first wakes up - this is when he is the sweetest!
  8. When he wakes up from his nap he will sometimes go back to sleep in our arms and sleep for another hour or more - he did that today and ended up taking an almost 4 hour nap!
  9. His favorite thing to say is "uh oh" - he says this for everything - when the movie ends, when he drops something, when the light goes off...
  10. He loves to put our shoes on - he can't quite figure out how to get them on himself, but once we help him get them on his whole face lights up.
  11. When we're ready to leave the house he runs to the back door and points to where we hang our keys and he starts yelling, "teys, teys".
  12. When he's ready to get out of his highchair he starts saying, "out, out, out, out".
  13. If he wants something he'll come grab our hand and take us to what he wants saying "peas, peas" (please)
  14. If you ask him to do something he doesn't want to do, he makes a horrible face - maybe I can capture it on camera one day.
  15. Warner loves tractors - he has a little red tractor that he carries around with him - he actually took it to the church nursery with him this morning.
  16. I love when he gets on the floor with his cars and rolls them around making little noises - such a little boy!
  17. He has gotten really good at giving hugs & will squeeze us so tight around our neck - we absolutely LOVE those hugs!
  18. He loves to point out our family & friends in pictures and tell us who it is.
  19. He is so funny - he can cut his eyes at us a certain way and you can't do anything but just laugh - Chris & I spend a lot of time just laughing at him!
  20. He doesn't like to be told no & will let you know it. He either puts his face down in the floor or gives out a little grunt. He gets in trouble when he does the grunt - it's his way of talking back!!
  21. He is not even interested in using the potty & I'm not even going to go there until he is.

Happy 21 months William Warner Lively!! Mommy & daddy love you so very much!!


Kissy said...

Wow! What a curley cutie!! Miss him a bunch - especially miss hearing my name.

The Overby Family said...

We have got to get these 2 together so time. They are so much alike. Mason watched Handy Manny. I am glad you are postponing potty time. Mason thinks his potty is stool to use to get closer to "night night" (that was he calls turning off the lights)