After a week in Dallas & an 8 hour drive to Laurel for the weekend, we are back at home. We had a great visit with my parents - Warner LOVES all the activity - going to the park, playing outside, flying kites, looking at the ducks...he is thoroughly entertained!
Look at that face!! The higher the better...
Thursday we drove to Laurel for a wedding of a high school friend. Chris met up with us on Friday, and we rode home with him yesterday. Warner got to visit with both of his great grandmothers - we stayed at Meme's house & Mawmaw and Aunt B babysat while we attended the wedding. Thanks Mamaw & B - Warner loved the finger painting, baseball, train track, & making rice krispie treats!!
Meme has a pond behind her house which provides LOTS of entertainment - Buddy & Warner rode the paddle boat, went fishing (no hooks were involved!), and had fun throwing sticks & whatever else in the water.

sleepy boy on the ride home - he played so hard the entire weekend...nothing better than being center of attention.
of course we had to make sure everything was still in place on the farm - Warner LOVES to drive with daddy & he was more than happy to get out of his car seat!!

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