Sunday, February 21, 2010

butternut squash

Jackson's first taste of vegetables was a success!! He has been eating rice cereal for almost a month, so I decided it was time to venture out into some real food. I've been making my own babyfood...and surprisingly it is very easy! Not only is it very also makes me feel better to know exactly what's in the food he's eating. AND - most importantly, since chid #1 is as picky as they come, maybe making my own food will make it easier to transition into table food and therefore child #2 will be a much better eater!! So far I have a good supply of butternut squash and sweet potatoes in the freezer and next up is carrots.

still taking breaks for a little thumbsucking in between bites...

love him!!


Brooke said...

I've been making CeCe's babyfood too! Bryce is a very picky eater so I'm hoping the same thing, that she will transition better. I've actually already started her on chunks of soft foods and she loves them. One really easy puree is avacado, no cooking involved!! It is CeCe's favorite!

childsplay said...

cute cute...I made alot of marth's food and still do by cutting stuff up and putting in cube trays - even things lke peas and ground beef - it is easy and only take a little time while making then no time to reheat... the older they get the less mushy - thank goodness!

Unknown said...

Yep, follow that last bite with a little comfort food - the thumb!!!

The Fab Five said...

i love him too and he's not even mine or close to it! ha I'm proud of you for taking the time to make his own food. I think you may be on to something with the transition to table food.